Fritz Hohl - the private life
Some data
Name: Fritz Hohl
Alias: cyberfritz
Family status: married, 1 child
Born: 1968
Current address: Mahatma-Gandhi-Str. 15, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 2239740
Mobile Phone: +49 172 6346136
I'm a fan of...
- my wife Nicola and my son Severin
- Asian Instant Noodle Soups
- T-Shirts
- our cats: Goliath and Billy
- German Punk and NDW music
- Lego
My hobby is...
I collect rare, old computers. From time to time I like also to research some aspects of the history
of old computers, computer companies and the like. If you're interested in these topics, have a look in my
(rarely updated) blog Rare & Old Computers (RandOC).
More information the world desparately needs
I do not...
- drink alcohol (I really don't like it even if I am German)
- drive a car (never learned it)
- play chess (don't know even the rules)
I'm proud of...
- owning a computer (well, at least a Sinclair ZX81) since 1982
- being on the net since 1987
- being on the Internet since 1989
- having written my first HTML page in 1993
- since then not having used such exotic things like colors or frames on private pages :-)
- programming in Java since 1995
Short biography
Fritz Hohl (
Last modification: 5/8/2002